Today when I got into my building after waking through a heavy downpour I thought I would look amazing like those movie scenes.
Instead, I looked like an unhappy cat fresh from a bath.
Today when I got into my building after waking through a heavy downpour I thought I would look amazing like those movie scenes.
Instead, I looked like an unhappy cat fresh from a bath.
About to learn about Picard's method in differential equations. That means die before betraying the prime directive, right?
So, my thermodynamics professor has this amazing habit of trowing candy at students who answer questions correctly and participate in class. Unfortunately he's been gone all this week. The replacement we had on Monday and Wednesday was amazing! I feel like I learned so much more and understood the content better. Today we had the original professors grad student. He brought the candy bucket. We learned to fear him.
He threw candy at us, but I'm pretty sure he was using us to practice his minor league pitching technique. He almost killed multiple students. On top of that, he gave is a quiz. Natalie almost cried.
Thermo will kill us all.
Send help.
I had lab the other day. The previous night I had a lot of work to complete in a very limited amount of time. This means I did not complete my pre lab. I showed up and was honest, and they made me do the pre lab.
One hour later I returned and began the lab. I completed it in two hours at the same time as people who had three hours were just finishing.
That's right, I'm brilliant.
The human body need sleep in order to preform efficiently, this is fact.
In order to efficiently function in college, you need a lot of sleep. This is fact.
College professors don't know this. So they assign twelve hours worth of homework and say: that's due tomorrow by the way.
Thus, college and sleep shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence.